New Delhi – In a landmark global achievement, India has overtaken USA and become the top country in terms of global COVID-19 recoveries.

India has reported the highest number of total recoveries with more than 42 lakh (42,08,431) COVID patients recovered and discharged. India now accounts for close to 19% of the total global recoveries. This has strongly pushed the national Recovery Rate to nearly 80% (79.28%).

India has maintained a sustained path of reporting very high number of recoveries. These are the result of focussed strategies leading to coordinated effective actions in the States,UTs. The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has issued comprehensive Standard of Care clinical management and treatment protocols. Drawing from global emerging evidence, these have been regularly revised and strengthened. India has allowed for rational use of ‘Investigational Therapies like Remdesevir, convalescent plasma and Tocilizumab and adopted measures such proning, use of high flow oxygen, non-invasive ventilation, use of steroids and anti-coagulants to aid recovery in COVID patients. Supervised home facility isolation for mild and moderate cases, improved services of the ambulances for ferrying patients for prompt and timely treatment have enabled seamless and efficient patient management.