Chetan Anand’s Neecha Nagar had the privilege of bringing Indian cinema to the global stage for the first time 75 years ago, winning the grand prize at the Cannes Film Festival in France. The film Neecha Nagar presents an expressionist look at the gap between the rich and the poor in the society. The world famous Cannes Film Festival is being organized this month from 17th to 28th May. Indian cinema lovers will look forward to the presence of their favorite movies and celebrities.
Last year, Indian filmmaker Payal Kapadia’s film ‘A Night of Knowing Nothing’ won the Golden Eye Award at the Cannes Film Festival for Best Documentary. Earlier in 2013, Irrfan Khan’s ‘The Lunchbox’ won the Critics’ Week Viewers’ Choice Award, also known as the Grand Rail d’or in 2013, While Indian film director Mira Nair won the Camera d’Or (best first feature film) and the Audience Prize at the Cannes for ‘Salaam Bombay’ in 1998.