You must be aware that at one time Jhumri Talaiya had the largest number of radio sets in the country. All India Radio and Radio Ceylon received requests for songs every day. This once small and beautiful town gained popularity in the past due to the large number of song requests on Vividh Bharati. The interesting thing is why the name “Jhumri Talaiya” is used again and again in films? It has a history. When TV was not popular in India, people used to listen to “Vividh Bharati” often. At that time, a large number of song requests came to Vividh Bharati from this city. For this reason the name Jhumri Telaiya had become famous. Many people across the country started considering it as a fictitious name. The name Jhumri Talaiya sounds unique and interesting in itself, that is why people used it in films etc.