The Vice President of India, M. Venkaiah Naidu said it was time for the education system to be re-oriented by moving away from the colonial mindset. He said that a nation that does not derive inspiration and energy from its history would find it very difficult to meet with the challenges of the future.
We must teach history in an objective manner as it actually unfolded, he said, while delivering the Third Convocation address of IIM Visakhapatnam .
Stressing that education was not just for employment, the Vice President said that education must empower an individual with knowledge and wisdom.
The Vice President opined that access to quality education for all and at all levels was essential to ensure inclusive growth and prevent any form of discrimination. He advised students to update their knowledge and skills with the changing needs of the 21st century global job market.
New knowledge transforms old paradigms. You can and you should keep yourself ahead in this knowledge revolution, he said.
Shri Naidu said that the time has arrived for India to once again emerge as the global knowledge hub and for that to happen, he opined that the seats of learning, especially the universities, must reinvent themselves as hubs of vibrant intellectual pursuit and as centres of resolute research and innovation.