After the successful run of the Tejas Express trains operating on the Lucknow-Delhi and Ahmedabad-Mumbai routes, Indian Railways is going to start operation of the third corporate passenger train – Kashi Mahakal Express connecting religious places of the state of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Kashi Mahakal Express will be inaugurated on 16th February, 2020 followed by routine commercial run from 20th February 2020 onwards. The inaugural run of the train will be flagged off from Varanasi by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi through video link.

Kashi Mahakal Express will be the first passenger train of its own kind which promises to be a full service overnight journey train with high levels of on-board services complemented with exclusive optional tour packages for the passengers covering the religious, business as well as tourism sites of the states of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Being its first long distance overnight journey train, Indian Railways’ PSU IRCTC has geared up to provide a host of facilities and services to the passengers on-board including high quality vegetarian food, on-board bedrolls and housekeeping services and on-board security services.