Directed and written by Rahul DaCunha and Bugs Bhargava, Pune Highway is an emotional thriller which unfolds a gripping narrative that explores the fragility of friendships when tested by unforeseen circumstances. With a masterful blend of nostalgia, suspense, and heart-wrenching drama, the film captures the essence of deep human connections and their complexities. The haunting visuals of the film creates a cinematic experience that lingers long after the credits roll.
Originally conceived as a one-room play performed across nine countries, Pune Highway underwent a creative evolution to fit the cinematic format. Rahul DaCunha, who wrote and directed the play and film, shared insights about expanding its scope for the big screen.
“We had to reimagine the intimate nature of the play for cinema while retaining its core emotions,” DaCunha explained. “It’s a story about friendships and the hidden fractures beneath the surface.”
Co-director Bugs Bhargava highlighted the collaborative effort that went into the making of the film. “This film is a labour of love, combining years of storytelling experience and the determination to create something universally resonant,” he said.
Renowned Actor Amit Sadh expressed his excitement of being part of such a unique project. “Playing this role has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my career. It’s a story that speaks to everyone who has ever valued friendship,” he said.