Mumbai-The Union Minister for Information & Broadcasting and Textiles, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani has said that when it comes to content and exhibition of content, the affordability of entertainment is what matters most to consumers. She said that digital technologies have a big role in bringing in affordability, due to falling data prices. The Minister added that there is a need for collaboration between media & entertainment industry and mobile manufacturers in order to enhance and personalize audio and video experience of consumers, from a content perspective.She said this at a discussion during the inaugural session of FICCI Frames 2018, in Mumbai. Smt. Irani said that with Government placing a high thrust to tourism, a lot has to be done in terms of industry coming together and highlighting to the Government specific locations particularly suited to filming, so that these can be pitched to both international community and domestic market. She said that various Government departments relating to films will be brought under one umbrella organization, so that a film-maker with a new concept can get the necessary support for the same from one desk. The Minister said the Government would leverage technology to lessen the distance between Government and the film-maker needing assistance.